Bronchiole Tom Hackett sculpture


tom hackett sculpture       


25 sheets of matt black bitumen impregnated corrugated roofing material configured into an arc forms. Each sheet drilled with 40 equidistant holes at distances of 9 inches apart. Sections of natural red rubber tubing of  varying length feed between any two given holes to protrude on the outside curve of the arc at two points and at different given lengths. The inside of the corrugated arc presented the image of a network of inter connected tubes, the outside of the arc a mass of 40 protruding tubes with open holes.

25 smokers (one per arced form) were invited to donate their cigarette butts (dog ends) for use within the installation. These were put into the tube holes and partially dangled out of the tube ends. Half the holes were left open. Each form represents an active smoker.

The arced black corrugated sheets in combination with the red tubing presented an imagery that is simultaneously visceral and prosthetic. The body sized sheets with the tubing, encoded the notion of a breathing membrane.

Commissioned and installed at Nottingham Castle as part of the 'up in smoke' touring show. Curated by Kate Stoddart and Jane Bevan.